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Group of women supporting each other

Women with diabetes - own your strength and lift each other up

BY CHRISTEL OERUM (DIABETES STRONG) I am a woman living with diabetes, and if you read this, there is a high likelihood that you are too. Aside from living with diabetes, we might not have much in common, but that does not mean that we cannot or should not support each other. Living with diabetes as a woman comes with a tremendous number of challenges, and there is no reason why any of us should have to face those challenges entirely on our own. Strong women lift each other up...

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Women driving a car

Driving With Diabetes

For many people, driving means being free to go wherever they want, whenever they want. When you’re behind the wheel, that freedom comes with responsibilities. What does this mean for someone living with diabetes? Driving-related risks According to guidelines published by Diabetes Canada, one major risk associated with driving is hypoglycemia that’s not detected in time. It causes a variety of symptoms that make traffic violations and accidents much more likely: tremors, loss of focus, drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and so on....

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Food plates on a table

Exotic Flavours: A Recipe For Success

You’ve chosen your destination, watched all the slideshows, salivate at the delicious dishes that await you… and then, diabetes crashes your party. Yes, travelling impacts your routine, especially food-wise, but there’s no need for you to go hungry. Follow this guide! Before setting sail First, research your destination and its cuisine. For example, Mediterranean food is generally easier to manage than carb-rich Italian dishes (pizza and pasta ahoy!). Also, make sure you learn about local eating habits. In some countries, such as Spain, people...

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3 woman discussing and sharing ideas

8 Diabetes Hacks You Can Try Today

The diabetes community is great at sharing—especially when they come up with an idea for making life a little easier. Consider these tricks for managing your health and your gear. Show emergency information on a locked phone. You may have your ICE (in case of emergency) contact noted in your phone, but that doesn't help if emergency workers can't unlock it. For Apple devices, important information that has been entered into the health app, such as health conditions, allergies and emergency contacts, can be accessed without unlocking. Android phones running on Android...

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Group of young kids jumping in the air

When Diabetes And Fun Go Hand In Hand!

For your children, it’s not always easy living with diabetes and the strictness it imposes… and it’s easy to understand why: they want to have fun with their friends and not worry about bolus doses and blood sugar levels. Never mind that! You can offer them the best of both worlds by signing them up for diabetes camp. What is it? These camps welcome children with diabetes for one-to-two-week stays in a safe and fun setting, where activities are organized around care and treatments. In short, campers get to have an authentic outdoor camp experience adapted to their needs, all while...

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hands of couple getting married

“I do”

It’s decided—you’re getting married! Obviously, you have tons of things to think about, from the venue to the seating plan to the invitations… and there’s diabetes, too. In a dream situation, it wouldn’t be on your guest list, but you’re well aware that wedding or not, you’ll still have to count carbs and monitor your blood sugar. Even so, you can have everything running like clockwork in order to fully enjoy your big day. Here are the ten commandments for keeping your diabetes in check (a crash in the middle of exchanging your vows would not be cool)! Thou shalt create a detailed plan. Because...

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Delicious fresh breads on a table

Reconciling Gluten Intolerance And Diabetes

An estimated 1% of the general population live with celiac disease. And there is a significantly higher prevalence of the disease in people living with type 1 diabetes. For those people who have two autoimmune diseases, gluten-free eating is anything but a fad. What is gluten, exactly? Contrary to what the recent dietary trend would have you believe, gluten is not bad itself. This protein, present in wheat, rye, triticale and barley, helps bind bread and other baked goods, which is why it’s found in many processed foods....

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A man and a woman walking in the snow

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Winter is not the exclusive domain of world-class athletes! You too can conquer the white season and enjoy its lovely landscapes. Get moving! It feels great! The benefits of physical activity are no secret to anyone: decreased blood pressure, a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, improved weight and blood sugar management… On top of all this, it also helps fight off the seasonal blues by acting as a great source of energy and well-being. Keeping the flame alive Some activities can be practised throughout the year (jogging, for example). If your favourite physical...

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A trio of healthy paninis

Colourful, Flavourful, Wonderful

Do you find your lunchbox uninspiring? Are you fed up with the sad ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich and its carroty escort? Here are some tips to put a bit of delight back in your little airtights. Basically Save yourself some stress in the morning by preparing your lunch the day before, at the same time as dinner or right afterwards. For example, you can set aside an extra serving of your evening meal to have for lunch the next day. That way, you’ll be less tempted to resort to the quick fixes of store-bought meals or fast food restaurants!...

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